INC 22A, ACTIVE INC 22A Filing

ACTIVE INC20A Compliance

Please provide the required details & documents



Your Documents & information was received, we will process the request soon. You will be redirected to the payment page.


Please ensure you have the following information & documents ready before proceeding:

1. Company Name

2. Corporate Identity Number of Company

3. Email ID Of Company

4. Address Details Of Company

     a. Exterior Photo Of Registered Office with Company's Name Board & Directors

     b. Interior Photo Of Registered Office with Company's Name Board & Directors

     c. Latitude & Longitude of Registered Office

5. Details Of Directors Appointed

6. Details Of Auditors/Company Secretary/Cost Auditor/KMP Appointed

7. Details Of Annual Return Filed For FY 2017-18

You can either upload the documents individually or in a single compressed file. Make sure the above documents are clearly scanned, in coloured format and are accurate & legit.

Fee Breakup:

Govt Fees: 0 INR (10,000 INR Late Fees)
Professional Fees 1999 INR + GST 18%
Total 2,359 INR

INC 22A, ACTIVE INC 22A Filing WhatsApp Support

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Company Name

Please fill the required information

Fill the mandatory feilds to continue.

Company Contact Details

Please fill in the required information

Fill the mandatory feilds to continue.

Upload Documents

Upload the following documents: Exterior & Interior Photograph Of Registered office With the Directors

Please Upload Clear & Colour Photographs

Fill the mandatory feilds to continue.

Appointment Details

Please fill the required information

File In the Director Name & DIN Number, One Per Line of the Company

Fill the Auditor/CS/CMA/KMP's Name & Appointment Details of the Company

Fill the mandatory feilds to continue.

Thank You

We will process your request.

Please Check the Final Information

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Discount :
Total :
I hereby declare that the Registered Office is situated in the address mentioned above, the details of directors, KMP, auditors are presently associated with the company are correct.

I, hereby confirm and verify that the particulars given in the Form herein above are true and also are in agreement with the documents maintained by the company.