Change In Directors, Change In Directors

Change In Directors
Starting at INR 2499 onwards

    Change Of Directors

    Every company including a Private Limited Company, an One person Company or a Limited Company registered under the Companies act 2013 is required to have a minimum number of members on the Board of Directors. Every private company should have a minimum of two directors and public limited company to have a minimum of three, atleast one director of which to be a resident director, therefore it is important to maintain the required number of directors from time to time for mandatory as well as managing aspects of the company. If there is any change in the directorship then a notice of every change shall be given to the Registrar of Companies within thirty days of the change, which includes appointment, resignation, or any such modification including both executive and non-executive positions. While taking the appointment of directors we need to make sure if the director is eligible to be appointed as a director and then apply for a Directors identification number in case she/he is not having the same.

    What are the documents required for a Change In Directors ?

    Change In Directors, Change In Directors

    Director Documents
    Required Director Documents

    Change In Directors, Change In Directors

    Consent Of The Directors
    Appointment/Resignation Letters

    Change In Directors, Change In Directors

    Consent Of The Board
    Board Resolution

    Process Involved In Change In Directors

    Change In Directors, Change In Directors

    Draft Director Documents

    One Day

    Change In Directors, Change In Directors

    Get Approval From Board

    One Day

    Change In Directors, Change In Directors

    Pass Board Resolutions

    One Day

    Change In Directors, Change In Directors

    eFile Final Forms

    One Day

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    Frequently asked Questions

    Yes, otherwise director is not qualified.

    Applying through eForm DIR-3

    DIR-12 is for both appointment and resignation

    From 30 days of receipt of notice of resignation

    Date on which the notice is received by the company or date specified by the director in the notice, whichever is later.

    Yes, if falls within 30 days before filing of form.

    No, it has to be filed through different forms.

    20 companies of which only 10 in public limited companies