post incorporation, Post Incorporation Compliances For Private Limited

Post-Incorporation Compliances
Starting at INR 2999 onwards

Post Incorporation Compliances

For Private Limited Company & One Person Company

Congratulations, you’ve got your certificate of incorporation and now all set to launch your product or service in the market. But let the joy of starting a new venture not make you forget to stay compliant with laws and regulations. Every company, once registered should always keep itself compliant to make sure the business and its functions don’t get affected, We at Tradeviser help our clients to stay compliant by offering convenient post incorporation compliance solutions at best prices which can be subscribed according to your business needs to suit your business model.

Read In Detail

What We Offer

post incorporation, Post Incorporation Compliances For Private Limited

Board Meeting Compliances

The first board meeting needs to be conducted within 30 days of completion of registration of your company. This provision is not mandatory for One Person Company since they generally have solo directors but the activities to be undertaken in the first board meeting such as auditor appointment, has to be compiled with, even if you are a one person company.

post incorporation, Post Incorporation Compliances For Private Limited

Certificate Of Commencement

MCA has brought back the requirement to file a certificate of commencement of business for all companies, a certificate has to be obtained within 180 days of the date of incorporation and an eForm has to be filed informing the concerned Registrar Of Companies regarding the same and a Proof of deposit of the paid-up share capital by the subscribers has to be attached in the eform.

post incorporation, Post Incorporation Compliances For Private Limited

Issue Of Share Certificates

Once the current account is ready to make sure all the shareholders transfer the subscribed amount through bank transfer to log the capital transaction properly. On receipt of the share capital, the company is required to issue share certificate to the subscriber. Make sure the Share Certificates are issues within 60 days of incorporation of the company and are in a prescribed format and properly stamped.

post incorporation, Post Incorporation Compliances For Private Limited

Appointment Of Auditors

Every Private Limited Company is required to appoint its first auditor in the first board meeting within 30 days from the date of incorporation. The first auditor is appointed by the board of directors and the company has to appoint the first auditor in the very first board meeting itself.  The first auditor shall hold office until the conclusion of the first annual general meeting.

How long will it take?

Upload Required Information

One Day

Preparing Application

Same Day

Filing Documents

Same Day

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