change of company name, Change In Name

Change In Name Of The Company
Starting at INR 2499 onwards

Change In Name Of A Company

Having company’s own name is a sign that company is a legally independent entity, changing of company’s name involves a change in Name clause of MOA (Memorandum Of Association), therefore a special resolution and central government approval is required. A company should be very careful in choosing its name as per the naming guidelines and avoid undesirable names as provided in such naming guidelines. After successful approval of the name of the company, it should be amended in MoA (Memorandum Of Association) and AoA(Articles of Association) and all documents. To ensure compliances to annual return filings and to prevent potential frauds, change of name is not allowed to companies which have defaulted in filing their financial statements.

What are the documents required for a change in name?

change of company name, Change In Name

Consent Of The Board
Board Resolution

change of company name, Change In Name

Name Application
Apply for Name Using RUN Form

change of company name, Change In Name

Consent Of The Members
Special Resolution

change of company name, Change In Name

File eForm
File Required eForms for Change in Name

Process Involved In Change Of Name

change of company name, Change In Name

Pass Board Resolution

One Day

change of company name, Change In Name

Apply For Name

Two Days

change of company name, Change In Name

Conduct EGM

One Day

change of company name, Change In Name

Pass Special Resolution

One Day

change of company name, Change In Name

eFile Final Forms

One Day

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Frequently asked Questions

It cannot be identical or be too similar to any existing company under Companies Act or any previous company law

The name should not be

  • undesirable in the opinion of central government
  • Not contain any word, which give the impression that the company is in any way connected with, the patronage of, the Central Government, any State Government, or such word or expre   ssion, as prescribed, unless the previous approval of the Central Government has been obtained for the use of any such word or expression.

Click here for detailed guide.

Companies which have not filed annual returns or financial statements which are due for filing with registrar or

Companies  which has failed to pay repay matured deposits or debentures or interest thereon

Basically No, however it is allowed if Approval of Owner of Trade Mark is taken

No, it is not required   where on consequent upon conversion of a company , the company is only changing the name with respect to deletion or addition of the word “private”

60 days from the date of approval

A new certificate of incorporation with new name is received in Form INC-25

Application to CG for change in Company’s name

RUN or Reserve Unique Name facility is a service by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) to speed up the company name approval process.