Startup Know-Hows2019-11-26T15:59:04+05:30
1801, 2024

Trademark Class 18 Leather, Animal Skin & Fur Goods

By |January 18th, 2024|

Trademark Application Class 18 Leather, Animal Skin & Fur Goods In this blog, we aim to provide a detailed overview of Class 18 in the Trademark Classification process. Choosing the right trademark class is important for successful trademark use. Sometimes the application falls into more than one category, providing better protection. That’s why choosing the right class is so important—it reinforces the effectiveness of the Trademark Registration process. Trademark Class 18 Overview Welcome to the refined domain of Class [...]

1701, 2024

Trademark Class 17 Insulating Materials, Rubber, Plastics, and Beyond

By |January 17th, 2024|

Trademark Class 17 Insulating Materials, Rubber, Plastics, and Beyond In this blog, we aim to provide a detailed overview of Class 17 in the Trademark Classification process. Choosing the right trademark class is important for successful trademark use. Sometimes the application falls into more than one category, providing better protection. That’s why choosing the right class is so important—it reinforces the effectiveness of the Trademark Registration process. Trademark Class 17 Overview Class 17 encompasses a diverse range of materials [...]

1601, 2024

Trademark Class 16 Paper, Cardboard, and Creativity

By |January 16th, 2024|

Trademark Application Class 16 Paper, Cardboard, and Creativity In this blog, we aim to provide a detailed overview of Class 16 in the Trademark Classification process. Choosing the right trademark class is important for successful trademark use. Sometimes the application falls into more than one category, providing better protection. That’s why choosing the right class is so important—it reinforces the effectiveness of the Trademark Registration process. Trademark Class 16 Overview Class 16, a realm of paper and creativity, unfolds [...]

1501, 2024

Trademark Class 15 Musical Instruments, Musical Accessories and Musical Boxes

By |January 15th, 2024|

Trademark Class 15 Musical Instruments, Musical Accessories and Musical Boxes In this blog, we aim to provide a detailed overview of Class 15 in the Trademark Classification process. Choosing the right trademark class is important for successful trademark use. Sometimes the application falls into more than one category, providing better protection. That’s why choosing the right class is so important—it reinforces the effectiveness of the Trademark Registration process. Trademark Class 15 Overview Class 15 invites you into the enchanting [...]

1401, 2024

Trademark Class 14 Jewellery, Precious Metals, Horology and Watches

By |January 14th, 2024|

Trademark Class 14 Jewellery, Precious Metals, Horology and Watches In this blog, we aim to provide a detailed overview of Class 14 in the Trademark Classification process. Choosing the right trademark class is important for successful trademark use. Sometimes the application falls into more than one category, providing better protection. That’s why choosing the right class is so important—it reinforces the effectiveness of the Trademark Registration process. Trademark Class 14 Overview Class 14 invites you into a realm of [...]

1301, 2024

Trademark Class 13 Firecrackers, Firearms, Explosive & Pyrotechnics

By |January 13th, 2024|

Trademark Class 13 Firecrackers, Firearms, Explosive & Pyrotechnics In this blog, we aim to provide a detailed overview of Class 13 in the Trademark Classification process. Choosing the right trademark class is important for successful trademark use. Sometimes the application falls into more than one category, providing better protection. That’s why choosing the right class is so important—it reinforces the effectiveness of the Trademark Registration process. Trademark Class 13 Overview In Class 13, the spotlight falls on firearms and [...]

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