Trademark Class 6 Common Metals, Metal Items, Alloys and Ores
Trademark Class 6 Common Metals, Metal Items, Alloys and Ores In this blog, we aim to provide a detailed overview of Class 6 in the Trademark Classification process. Choosing the right trademark class is important for successful trademark use. Sometimes the application falls into more than one category, providing better protection. That’s why choosing the right class is so important—it reinforces the effectiveness of the Trademark Registration process. Trademark Class 6 Overview Class 6 primarily encompasses raw and partially [...]
Trademark Class 4 Industrial Oils, Grease & Lubrication
Trademark Class 4 Industrial Oils, Grease & Lubrication In this blog, we aim to provide a detailed overview of Class 4 in the Trademark Classification process. Choosing the right trademark class is important for successful trademark use. Sometimes the application falls into more than one category, providing better protection. That’s why choosing the right class is so important—it reinforces the effectiveness of the Trademark Registration process. Trademark Class 4 Overview Class 4 primarily covers industrial oils, greases, fuels, and [...]
Trademark Class 3 Everyday Beauty and Cleaning Essentials
Trademark Application Class 3 Everyday Beauty and Cleaning Essentials In this blog, we aim to provide a detailed overview of Class 3 in the Trademark Classification process. Choosing the right trademark class is important for successful trademark use. Sometimes the application falls into more than one category, providing better protection. That’s why choosing the right class is so important—it reinforces the effectiveness of the Trademark Registration process. Trademark Class 3 Overview Class 3 primarily covers non-medicated toiletry products and [...]
Trademark Class 2 Paints and Protective Materials
Trademark Application Class 2 Paints and Protective Materials In this blog, we aim to provide a detailed overview of Class 2 in the Trademark Classification process. Choosing the right trademark class is important for successful trademark use. Sometimes the application falls into more than one category, providing better protection. That’s why choosing the right class is so important—it reinforces the effectiveness of the Trademark Registration process. Trademark Class 2 Overview Class 2 focuses primarily on paints, colourants, and formulations [...]
Trademark Class 1 Industrial Chemicals, Adhesives, Biological Preparations
Trademark Class 1 Industrial chemicals, adhesives, biological preparations In this blog, we aim to provide a detailed overview of Class 1 in the Trademark Classification process. Choosing the right trademark class is important for successful trademark use. Sometimes the application falls into more than one category, providing better protection. That’s why choosing the right class is so important—it reinforces the effectiveness of the Trademark Registration process. Trademark Class 1 Overview Within the Trademark Classification Schedule, Class 1 encompasses a variety [...]
Step-by-Step Guide to Securities Dematerialisation in 2023
Step-by-Step Guide to Securities Dematerialisation in 2023 It has been notified under the Companies (Prospectus and Allotment of Securities) Second Amendment Rules, 2023 that every private company except Small Companies and Government Companies must issue their securities only in dematerialised form within 18 months from the closure of FY i.e 31st March 2023 in accordance with the provisions of Depositories Act. It was mandatory for Listed and Unlisted companies to have their shares and securities in Dematerialised form for smooth [...]