Startup Know-Hows2019-11-26T15:59:04+05:30
1601, 2019

Tax Benefits For Startups

By |January 16th, 2019|

Tax Benefits For Startups In India Having your own business have been a dream which people have always been passionate about. Glancing at the history, if we look into the flashback of successful businesses, it is imperative to find that soul of every successful magnet is a young startup backed up with strong entrepreneurial dreams. As Startups require huge bunch of money to be invested for fueling its early business, they are seen facing difficulties at its very beginning [...]

407, 2018

Why SWOT Is A Must For Startups

By |July 4th, 2018|

Why SWOT Analysis is a Must for Startups SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A Startup has minimal experience in its field and so this analysis is essential for overall assessment. Let’s have a look at its detail, reason to use for start-ups, its benefits, etc: What is SWOT? SWOT analysis (alternatively known as SWOT matrix) is defined as a strategic planning technique utilized to assist an individual or organization to discover different aspects like strengths, [...]

407, 2018

Why Startups should look into BPM

By |July 4th, 2018|

Why Startups should look into BPM Business process management (BPM) is an approach to making positive improvements in any business. The approach is useful for organization of any size, including the startups. Let’s have a look at what it is in detail, its usefulness for start-ups and its pros & cons: What is BPM? BPM is basically the regulation for enhancing the business process thoroughly, by assessing it, modeling the way it functions in various scenarios, implementing improvements, [...]

2606, 2018

8 Myths about Starting your Own Business

By |June 26th, 2018|

8 Myths about Starting your Own Business You Have No Boss False, owning a business makes you answerable to more than one Boss. Your customers, investors, and employees are now your new bosses and yes the bottom line is your boss too. You are now responsible for every step that you take as it is associated with a number of people around you. You Can Work Fewer Hours Which is a myth again, because as an entrepreneur you [...]

2106, 2018

How To Use Internet Influence’s To Market Your Product

By |June 21st, 2018|

How To Use Internet Influencers To Market Your Product Gone are those days when getting your products endorsed by a celebrity was only accessible to big companies who had access to huge funds. The growth of internet and digitalization has opened scope for a whole different medium of product marketing and endorsement. Every single one us follows a digital influencer these days who are nothing small but an internet celebrity. If you are into photography you may have [...]

3005, 2018

Closing a Limited Liability Partnership

By |May 30th, 2018|

Closing up of a Limited Liability Partnership There are instances where a registered Limited Liability Partnership wishes to make the LLP Wind Up and close the business. A Limited Liability Partnership is bound to follow few compliances even if they are not carrying out any business. In such situations striking off, a Limited Liability Partnership is more cost-effective than continuing the same. Prior to the new amendments, closing up a Limited liability partnership was a mammoth task of [...]

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