Startup Know-Hows2019-11-26T15:59:04+05:30
1904, 2018

VPP Company Incorporation Scam

By |April 19th, 2018|

Protect Yourself From the VPP Company Incorporation Scam The Government of India mandates displaying the details of companies along with information such as address and director names as a part of clear corporate governance on the common portal. But scammers use this data to lure in innocent businessmen into their traps. The VPP company incorporation scam or the Postal Value Payable System Scam is one of such organized scams going on right now. VPP or Value Payable System is [...]

1804, 2018

10 Compliance’s to Follow Post Incorporation of Your Company

By |April 18th, 2018|

10 Compliance to Follow Post Incorporation of Your Company Congratulations, you've got your certificate of incorporation and are now all set to launch your product or service in the market. But let the joy of starting a new venture not make you forget to stay compliant with laws and regulations. Every company, once registered should always keep itself compliant to make sure the business and its functions don't get affected, so here we have compiled a list of compliance [...]

1704, 2018

Prevention Of Sexual Harassment Of Women At Workplace

By |April 17th, 2018|

Prevention Of Sexual Harassment Of Women At Workplace In a scenario where every single day we hear about women being victimized for all wrong reasons, every citizen needs to take up certain responsibilities if they wish to curb out the misfortune that women face everywhere. With growing issues of harassment of women at workplace Companies and Businesses should start putting up efforts to keep their workplace safe and maintain a professional environment for everyone. Sexual Harassment Of Women [...]

1104, 2018

Company Registration Process 2018

By |April 11th, 2018|

Company Registration Process 2018 Update: Company Registration Process | 2020 Edition On the occasion of the 69th Republic Day of India, The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) announced a new process of incorporating companies in India. Prior to this, a fast track incorporation form was used for registration of company name, director identification number, and incorporation all at once or INC 1 was used for reserving the company names. This process had multiple drawbacks including the requirement of [...]

1004, 2018

Why Bootstrapping Is The Best Option ?

By |April 10th, 2018|

Why Bootstrapping Is The Best Option ? Let’s come to the toughest question which has tormented every startup founder at some point of time, whether to raise fund for the business or remain bootstrapped. What is Bootstrapping? Bootstrapping is when a startup founder starts the venture with a limited amount of capital, acquired from his savings, friends, family or relatives. It essentially funds the business either using the owners personal finances or by the funds generated from the [...]

904, 2018

7 Reasons Why Startups Fail

By |April 9th, 2018|

7 Reasons Why Startups Fail With a country of over 1.3 billion population, it won’t be astonishing to know that India has the second largest Startup ecosystem in the world. An ecosystem that hosts over 20,000 startups currently and with an annual growth of 12-15% every year. Implying that, we can easily assume that at least 6-8 startups are born every day in India. However, it would be astonishing to know that only around 10 percent of these [...]

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